Value: 35 Label: (B.9a) do not enter the main waterway until certain that this will not oblige vessels proceeding on it to change their course or speed Description: Symbol:
Value: 36 Label: (B.9b) do not cross the main waterway until certain that this will not oblige vessels proceeding on it to change their course or speed Description: Symbol:
Value: 106 Label: (BR) cross river to port Description: Symbol:
Value: 40 Label: (C.3) width of passage or channel limited Description: Symbol:
Value: 41 Label: (C.4) there are restrictions on navigation Description: Symbol:
Value: 42 Label: (C.5) the channel lies at a distance from the left bank Description: Symbol:
Value: 43 Label: (C.5) the channel lies at a distance from the right bank Description: Symbol:
Value: 44 Label: (D.1a) recommended channel in both directions Description: Symbol:
Value: 45 Label: (D.1b) recommended channel only in the direction indicated, passage in the opposite direction prohibited (at bridges) Description: Symbol:
Value: 121 Label: (E.29) maximum number of vessels permitted to berth in winter shelter; maximum number of vessels permitted to berth abreast; maximum number of rows of vessels which are berthed abreast Description: Symbol:
Value: 52 Label: (E.3) weir Description: Symbol:
Value: 122 Label: (E.30) use of spuds permitted Description: Symbol:
Value: 53 Label: (E.4a) ferry-boat not moving independently Description: Symbol:
Value: 55 Label: (E.5) berthing (i.e. no anchoring or making fast to the bank) permitted Description: Symbol:
Value: 56 Label: (E.5.1) berthing permitted on the stretch of water of the breadth measured from, and shown on the board in meters Description: Symbol:
Value: 65 Label: (E.5.10) berthing area reserved for vessels other than for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry two blue lights or two blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 66 Label: (E.5.11) berthing area reserved for vessels other than for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry three blue lights or three blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 67 Label: (E.5.12) berthing area reserved for all vessels that are not required to carry blue lights or blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 68 Label: (E.5.13) berthing area reserved for all vessels that are required to carry one blue light or one blue cone Description: Symbol:
Value: 69 Label: (E.5.14) berthing area reserved for all vessels that are required to carry two blue lights or two blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 70 Label: (E.5.15) berthing area reserved for all vessels that are required to carry three blue lights or three blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 57 Label: (E.5.2) berthing permitted on the stretch of water bounded by the distances measured from, and shown on the board in meters Description: Symbol:
Value: 58 Label: (E.5.3) maximum number of vessels permitted to berth abreast Description: Symbol:
Value: 59 Label: (E.5.4) berthing area reserved for pushing-navigation vessels that are not required to carry blue lights or blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 60 Label: (E.5.5) berthing area reserved for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry one blue light or one blue cone Description: Symbol:
Value: 61 Label: (E.5.6) berthing area reserved for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry two blue lights or two blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 62 Label: (E.5.7) berthing area reserved for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry three blue lights or three blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 63 Label: (E.5.8) berthing area reserved for vessels other than pushing-navigation vessels that are not required to carry blue lights or blue cones Description: Symbol:
Value: 64 Label: (E.5.9) berthing area reserved for vessels other than for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry one blue light or one blue cone Description: Symbol:
Value: 71 Label: (E.6) anchoring or trailing of anchors, cables or chains permitted Description: Symbol:
Value: 72 Label: (E.7) making fast to the bank permitted Description: Symbol:
Value: 73 Label: (E.7.1) berthing area reserved for loading and unloading of vehicles Description: Symbol:
Value: 74 Label: (E.8) turning area Description: Symbol:
type: esriFieldTypeInteger
, alias: Exposition of sounding
, Coded Values:
[1: within the range of depth of the surrounding depth area]
, [2: shoaler than the range of depth of the surrounding depth area]
, [3: deeper than the range of depth of the surrounding depth area]
, ...1 more...
type: esriFieldTypeDouble
, alias: Value of sounding
type: esriFieldTypeInteger
, alias: Category of notice mark
, Coded Values:
[1: (A.1) no entry]
, [2: (A.1a) sections closed to use, no entry except for non-motorized small craft]
, [3: (A.2) no overtaking]
, ...120 more...
type: esriFieldTypeInteger
, alias: Class of dangerous cargo
, Coded Values:
[1: one blue light / cone]
, [2: two blue lights / cones]
, [3: three blue lights / cones]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString
, alias: Direction of impact
, length: 512
type: esriFieldTypeDouble
, alias: Distance from notice mark, first
type: esriFieldTypeDouble
, alias: Distance from notice mark, second